

Finally Apple started selling and renting movies for Japanese itunes.
Movies they cover are not only domestic but also foreign films.
I've been waiting for this for long time, and am so excited now.
I was used to buy or rent movies from itunes when I was in US
which means that you could buy movie if you have US itunes account.
But since I am no longer in US and don't have money left in US itunes account,
I can't use US itunes anymore.

I know that there are some companies which provide movie through internet in Japan.
But it is so much convenient me to use itunes because I only use itunes
when I listen music in my room and use ipod or iphone outside.
So I'd rather keep movies on the same place with music, hence itunes.
It is easy, fast, and cheap.
From now on Japanese movie rental market will experience dramatic turning point.
I hope this leads to good way.

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